Call For Special Tracks

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2024 International Conference on Digital Intelligence Management and Innovation & 10th International Conference on Innovative Development of E-commerce and Logistics (DIMI & ICIDEL2024) will be held during November 29-December 1, 2024 at Huawise Hotel in Zhengzhou, China.

DIMI & ICIDEL2024 invites proposals for organization of special tracks that will be held in parallel with the general conference track.

The themes of the special tracks should not overlap with the general conference topics and should focus on emerging research fields. All tracks are expected to enable stimulating discussions of state-of-the-art, emerging, visionary, and perhaps controversial topics. Their papers should report on significant unpublished work and must meet the same standards as main conference papers. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings.

We expect all accepted tracks to adhere to the conference paper submission and reviewing schedule, as outlined in the dates indicated below. Special Tracks chair(s) will be interacting with organizers of accepted workshops to ensure a high-quality workshop program.

Important Dates

Deadline for special track: 31-01-2024

Special track acceptance: 28-02-2024

Submission Guidelines

Each proposal must include:

Title of the Special track

Estimate of the expected Special Track size as number of sessions (with 5-6 papers per session)

A brief biography of Special Track organizer(s)

List of Special Track program committee members

A draft of Special Track “Call for papers” (important dates must be the same of the main conference, reported below)

Please send the above information to icidel@acamail.org