
With the industry of e-commerce and logistics driving the consumption, the volume of trade has been sustainably increased in recent years. At the same time, the Internet, Internet of Things and new information technology promote the integration of e-commerce and logistics. Thus, e-commerce and logistics has become the new power of the social and economic development of China. 

Aiming at deepening the long-term strategic win-win cooperation of e-commerce and logistics, accelerating their standardization and promoting the co-prosperity of the two industries, the 10th International Conference on Innovative Development of E-commerce and Logistics (ICIDEL2024) will be organized by Zhengzhou University during October 17-18, 2024 in Zhengzhou University, China.

The Conference will set sub-forums centered on the related hot topics and international industry experts, scholars and professionals will be invited to discuss and study the innovative development of e-commerce and logistics.

Contact us

TEL :0086-18539277605
Conference secretary :Ms. Zhang
Working time:Monday to Friday